Thursday, August 16, 2012

Life in Disney blog: August 16

Hello from Disney World!!!
I finally made it here despite some hold ups on my way here. The flight was pretty easy but it took off at 5:25am so I had to wake up at 3:30 in the morning! That was just really early for me. They ended up making me check my carry on because I had too many bags trying to get on the plane in Houston. The people working were not very nice. I don't know if it was the company was like that or if it was because it was so early in the morning. But, once we got on the plane in Houston we sat on the plane for an hour because they realized the steering on the ground was broken so they had to fix it real quick while we waited on the plane. I arrived late for check in but that worked out fine, they gave me all my stuff anyways.

Yesterday, I had to go to a casting meeting where they told everybody where they were going to be working. So everyone else found out what park they were going to be in but since I'm  a character performer, entertainment has to tell me what I will be when I start training with them. I start training on Sunday so hopefully I will find out what character I am going to be then. Apparently, I'm Mouse height; so maybe I'll end up being Mickey!

Today, we had to go to a housing meeting about what we are allowed and not allowed to do in our new apartments. It actually ended up being a lot of fun and I met a bunch of new people. Tonight we plan on going to Downtown Disney and exploring that area of the park.

My roommates are really nice. Right now we have 5 girls in our three bedroom apartment. It is supposed to be 6 so we might be getting another roommate. There's Katie who is from California, Michelle who is from Montana, Andrea who lives in El Paso, and Krystal from Tennessee who I share a room with. There are a lot of international students here, I've especially met a lot of people from England.

I'll definitely update after my training on Sunday to let you know if I found out what character I'm going to be.

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